After eating tonkotsu ramen for lunch, I had difficulty concentrating on my reading studies. However, I spent more time learning than I expected and was able to answer many questions correctly. I felt that the clarity of problems differs depending on the field. The low retention rate in different fields makes it easy to improve retention of spelling. Therefore, I will gradually increase my vocabulary retention.
Having a seabura ramen made me difficult to consuntlate to study of Reading. However, the more time I spent to learn but I can solve a lot of problem than I expected, so I felt that clear problem is different between wether feild is. The low retension of feild different make it easy to cover retension of spell. Therefore, I will increase the retension of vocubrally step by step.
- 文法: 10点
- “consuntlate” -> “concentrate”
- “the more time I spent to learn” -> “the more time I spent learning”
- “clear problem is different between wether feild is” -> “the clarity of problems differs depending on the field”
- “low retension of feild different” -> “low retention rate in different fields”
- “make it easy to cover retension of spell” -> “makes it easy to improve retention of spelling”
- “I will increase the retension of vocubrally step by step” -> “I will gradually increase my vocabulary retention”
- 語彙: 5点
- “seabura ramen” -> “tonkotsu ramen”
- “solve a lot of problem” -> “answer many questions correctly”
- “clear problem” -> “clarity of problems”
- “retention of spell” -> “retention of spelling”
- “vocubrally” -> “vocabulary”
- 文法:
- “consuntlate” -> “concentrate”: スペルミス
- “the more time I spent to learn” -> “the more time I spent learning”: 動名詞の使い方が誤っている
- “clear problem is different between wether feild is” -> “the clarity of problems differs depending on the field”: 語順と文法構造を修正
- “low retension of feild different” -> “low retention rate in different fields”: 語彙と文法構造を修正
- “make it easy to cover retension of spell” -> “makes it easy to improve retention of spelling”: 語彙と文法構造を修正
- “I will increase the retension of vocubrally step by step” -> “I will gradually increase my vocabulary retention”: 語彙と文法構造を修正
- 語彙:
- “seabura ramen” -> “tonkotsu ramen”: 日本語の「背油ラーメン」は英語で「tonkotsu ramen」
- “solve a lot of problem” -> “answer many questions correctly”: より具体的な表現に変更
- “clear problem” -> “clarity of problems”: より抽象的な表現に変更
- “retention of spell” -> “retention of spelling”: スペルミス
- “vocubrally” -> “vocabulary”: スペルミス