TOEFL ライティング対策 Vol. 18(第1回受験)





I usually used the left half of an A4 sheet of paper to write answers, and the other side to write down the words and Japanese translations that I didn’t understand. I was often satisfied with simply writing vocabulary words on the right side paper. However, I thought that writing on a blog using the words I didn’t understand would help improve my vocabulary and writing skills. Therefore, I decided to practice making sentences using the words I didn’t understand by choosing one passage from the text.


I usually used the left A4-half paper to write answer and the other side to write the words and japanese translation which I didn’t understand. I often satisfied with writing to the right side paper filled with vocublary. However, I thought recording to blog which make sentense with myself using the words I didn’t understand what mean will leads to improve my voccubraly and writing skills. Therefore, choicing 1 section in passege which I learned, I decide to practice making sentense with using the words which I didn’t understand.



  • 文法・構文エラー:10点
    • “I usually used the left A4-half paper to write answer” – “answer” の後に複数形の “s” が必要
    • “I often satisfied with writing to the right side paper filled with vocublary.” – “satisfied” は “was satisfied” に修正
    • “recording to blog” – “recording” は “writing” に修正
    • “choicing 1 section in passege” – “choicing” は “choosing” に修正、”passege” は “passage” に修正
    • “I decide to practice making sentense” – “decide” は “decided” に修正、”sentense” は “sentence” に修正
  • 語彙・表現:5点
    • “A4-half paper” よりも “half of an A4 sheet of paper” の方が自然
    • “vocublary” は “vocabulary words” の方がより明確
    • “leads to improve” は “will help improve” の方が自然
    • “choicing” は “choosing” に修正
    • “making sentense” は “making sentences” に修正
    • “using the words which I didn’t understand” は “using the words I didn’t understand” に修正



  • “I usually used the left A4-half paper to write answer”
    • 日本語の「答えを書く」は英語で “write answers” であり、複数形の “s” が必要です。
    • 修正後:“I usually used the left half of an A4 sheet of paper to write answers.”
  • “I often satisfied with writing to the right side paper filled with vocublary.”
    • “satisfied” は過去形であるため、”was satisfied” に修正します。
    • 修正後:“I was often satisfied with writing on the right side paper filled with vocabulary words.”
  • “recording to blog”
    • “recording” は「記録する」という意味であり、「ブログに書く」という意味ではないため、”writing” に修正します。
    • 修正後:“writing on a blog”
  • “choicing 1 section in passege”
    • “choicing” は「選択する」という意味であり、”choosing” に修正します。
    • “passege” は「通路」という意味であり、「文章」という意味ではないため、”passage” に修正します。
    • 修正後:“choosing one passage from the text”
  • “I decide to practice making sentense”
    • “decide” は過去形であるため、”decided” に修正します。
    • “sentense” は「判決」という意味であり、「文章」という意味ではないため、”sentence” に修正します。
    • 修正後:“I decided to practice making sentences.”


  • “A4-half paper”
    • より自然な表現は “half of an A4 sheet of paper” です。
  • “vocublary”
    • より明確な表現は “vocabulary words” です。
  • “leads to improve”
    • より自然な表現は “will help improve” です。
  • “choicing”
    • “choosing” に修正します。
  • “making sentense”
    • “making sentences” に修正します。
  • “using the words which I didn’t understand”
    • より自然な表現は “using the words I didn’t understand” です。


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