TOEFL ライティング対策 Vol. 28(第1回受験)



・a wise dicision:賢明な(すばらしい)判断
・throwing money away:お金を捨てる
・follow As’ good advice:Aの素晴らしい助言に従って(応えて)


Is buying your own place better than renting?

➔ 子孫に残せる家を持つことは重要だ。


Owning a house for future generations is a wise decision. I plan to save money to buy my own house in the future. Paying rent feels like throwing money away. Owning a house comes with both responsibilities and advantages. Therefore, I will follow my parents’ good advice and buy my own house.


Keeping house or land for offspring is good. In the future, I’m keeping money to buy my house. Because, paying rent seems like dumping money. Having own house has not only responsibility but also merit. Therefore, I will buy my house to response good adovice from my parents.




  • Keeping house or land for offspring is good.
    • “Keeping house” は不自然な表現です。 “Owning a house” または “Leaving a house” が適切です。
    • “Offspring” は堅苦しい表現です。 “Children” または “Descendants” が適切です。
    • 文末にピリオドが必要です。
  • In the future, I’m keeping money to buy my house.
    • “Keeping money” は不自然な表現です。 “Saving money” が適切です。
    • “to buy” の前に “in order” を挿入する必要があります。
    • 文末にピリオドが必要です。
  • Because, paying rent seems like dumping money.
    • “Because” の前にカンマが必要です。
    • “dumping money” は不自然な表現です。 “wasting money” が適切です。
  • Having own house has not only responsibility but also merit.
    • “Having own house” は不自然な表現です。 “Owning a house” が適切です。
    • “merit” は堅苦しい表現です。 “advantage” が適切です。
  • Therefore, I will buy my house to response good adovice from my parents.
    • “to response” は不自然な表現です。 “to follow” が適切です。
    • “adovice” はスペルミスです。 “advice” が正しいです。


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