TOEFL ライティング対策 Vol. 30(第1回受験)



・it’s not for me:私はそうではない、私向きではない
・In today’s globalized business environment:今日のグローバル化した社会
・sent abroad:転勤する




Owning a house may be a dream for many people, but it’s not for me. I prefer the freedom to easily change my location, whether it’s within my country or abroad. In today’s globalized business environment, companies are increasingly sending employees on overseas assignments. I work for such a company and expect to be sent abroad for a period of 3-5 years in the future. In that situation, I don’t want to be burdened by a housing loan and house maintenance expenses. I prefer the flexibility that renting provides. In fact, I believe that the value of owning a house is a thing of the past. I don’t think owning a house is compatible with the demands of contemporary work situations.

Owning a home might be the dream of many people, but it’s not for me. I prefer the freedom to change neighborhoods, cities, or even countries depending on the opportunities1. These days, business is more global2, and people are being sent by their companies to work in foreign countries much more than before. I work for such a company, and I expect that in the future I will be asked to work overseas for three to five years.3 I don’t want to deal with the burdens of a mortgage4 and home maintenance in such a stituation. Even if I stay in Tokyo, I prefer the freedom that renting allows. I actually wonder if the value of home ownership might belong to another time. I don’t think it matches the modern work situation.


It’s not for me that owning a house is dream of many people. By circumstance, I prefer freedam that it can easily change the area, city and country. Thesedays, business is becoming globalization, company makes people move to abroad comapared to before. I work at like that company and will be ordered to go abroad after 3-5years in the future. In this condition, I don’t want to deal with both housing loan and house maintanance expenses. I prefer free that renting gives me. In fact, I consider owning house’s valuable is past things. I don’t think owning house is not match for contemporary tasks.



  • 文法・語彙:10点
    • 動詞の時制ミス:4点
    • 誤字脱字:3点
    • 語彙選択:3点
  • 表現力:5点
    • 冗長な表現:2点
    • 不自然な表現:3点



  • 動詞の時制ミス
    • “It’s not for me that owning a house is dream of many people.”
      • 現在の習慣や状態を表すので、「is」ではなく「has been」が適切。
    • “I consider owning house’s valuable is past things.”
      • 現在の考えを表すので、「is」ではなく「are」が適切。
  • 誤字脱字
    • “Thesedays” -> “These days”
    • “comapared” -> “compared”
    • “maintanance” -> “maintenance”
  • 語彙選択
    • “freedam” -> “freedom”
    • “valuable” -> “value”
    • “contemporary tasks” -> “contemporary work situations”


  • 冗長な表現
    • “It’s not for me that owning a house is dream of many people.”
      • “Owning a house may be a dream for many people, but it’s not for me.” のように簡潔に表現できる。
  • 不自然な表現
    • “I consider owning house’s valuable is past things.”
      • “I consider the value of owning a house to be a thing of the past.” のように自然な表現に修正。
  1. 機会によっては ↩︎
  2. moreの使い方を学習 ↩︎
  3. 3年から5年 ↩︎
  4. 住宅ローン ↩︎


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